Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell is coming slowly for me. I’m on page 99 now, but still don’t have much to discuss. In addition to wanting to avoid spoilers, I don’t feel like I’ve settled into the book yet. I enjoy the writing style, but I don’t feel like I’m getting to know the characters well. I’m not sure if it’s the narrator’s point of view, and/or if the author is revealing the characters slowly on purpose. I am definitely intrigued enough to want to learn more about the characters.
I watched seasons 1 and 2 of The Guild on Netflix streaming. This is the first I’ve seen of the series. On Netflix, each season is compiled into a single video, which was really nice for viewing.
As blasphemous as some people may find it, I prefer trade paperback compilations of comics to picking up each issue as they come out. I get irritated enough with books that end each chapter on a cliffhanger, only to switch to another character’s point of view for the next chapter. Overall, I prefer experiencing a whole story at once. I think this preference extends to The Guild. That is, I am not sure I could have gotten into the story if I had started watching it when it was coming out, so I’m glad I was able to watch seasons 1 and 2 straight through.

I have 3 panels of my knit blanket completed, and am working on a 4th. Honestly, it’s coming more slowly than I expected. When Ashlyn and I first started knitting in Governor’s School, I feel like we finished a whole scarf or hat every day. These panels don’t even add up to half a scarf. It’s true that I haven’t knitted for awhile, so I’m getting back in the groove, but it’s also possible that I’m remembering incorrectly.