Speedy Granny Ruth Blanket: Current Crochet Progress

Back in April (2022), I shared that I had picked up crochet. So satisfied with how quickly crochet works up compared to hand knitting, I took on a huge long term project. Not only would I tackle a blanket, I would aim for it to be large enough to put on a king sized bed. I shared my progress when I had just started on the 3rd stripe.

Well, what does my progress look like today? Certainly not finished! I am just starting on my 5th stripe. What that sounds like little progress since last April, I am pretty satisfied. This is my side project while I primarily work on other things (many of which I plan to share here in the future).

an in-progress crochet blanket folded over itself in a ribbon pattern to showcase the full width; 5 stripes: brown (slightly blue), pink, white, blue, orange (slightly brown and blue); the orange stripe is barely started; the others are about 5 inches tall each; the bottom of the blanket has orange and burgundy stitch markers about every 10 stitches
Blanket Progress – on to the 5th stripe

As the blanket is working up, I keep thinking I don’t think that the blanket will end up wide enough for a king sized bed. I wanted a king size blanket because I tend to buy king sized comforters for our queen sized bed (otherwise they feel undersized to me). While writing this post, I laid the blanket over our bed that currently has a king size blanket, and lo and behold, the width seems about the same! A reminder that my perception isn’t always on point.

I would like to complete the blanket within the next couple of years. Maybe I will get a bee in my bonnet and complete it earlier. However, so far I have been enjoying it being a background project that slowly expands over time.
