[Announcement] Blogging and Answering Mary Robinette Kowal’s Challenge

In attending to the intricacies of searching for and beginning a new job, as well as moving across the country, I have sorely neglected blogging and other forms of written communication.

I have a twofold plan for rectifying this lack of blogging and writing.

First, I have a blogging schedule for this year. I may intersperse the planned entries with more random posts, but I will endeavor to have content for the following:

“Story Sunday”: While I would like to concentrate on fiction story writing, I will likely also include anecdotes from my week.

“Wordless Wednesday”: I tend to be bad about cheating and including some words, but I would like to post snapshots on Wednesdays.

“Food Friday”: I am hosting dinner nearly every Friday; in addition to which I am still attempting to follow the themes of my old food club from afar (they are currently meeting Thursdays, I believe). Because I will not be serving food until Friday night in most cases, these posts will be much later in the day. They will cover what I’ve served that week (usually in snapshots and words), and may have addition description of how, if at all, the dish(es) adhere to the weekly food club theme.

Second, I am planning to take Mary Robinette Kowal‘s challenge (via Boing Boing) to write and send letters each mail day in February. I don’t plan on sharing personal correspondence on my blog, but I may share pictures of any postcards and/or printables I use when working on the challenge.

(Attempting this challenge is probably a bit ridiculous coming from someone who has not finished sending all her thank you notes (or even all her Christmas presents…); however, due to my aforementioned cross-country move, I think it is a great opportunity for me to have some lovely correspondence with friends.)
